Friday, January 30, 2009


1. I just entered academia after 6 years.

2. I came to realize that once I got rid of "the monkey" on my back , that's "the size of China," I get invited to a lot more events. Really exciting. Like weddings, dinners and superbowl parties.

3. I love to dance. Mon knows.

4. I love to eat, and eat well. Especially fried pork.

5. I'd like to put on my traveling shoes and see Tuscany, China, Iceland, Africa, Galapagos Islands, Peru, Alaska, Cuba, Fiji...

6. My family and very close homies are integral in my life. If it were not for them I wouldn't be asking the next question.

7. Why does the month of January 2009 feel like forever?

8. My astrological sign is Pisces. It explains a lot. But its not an accurate description. I'll be 31 on March 9th and will have a party on Friday the 13th. It will be well equipped with Karaoke and DJ DJ...keg? Not sure rough economic times. "Coming to America" y'all. Come as an immigrant. I'll be taking donations for "Noelle want's to be a US Citizen (finally)" fund.

9. Rox got me hooked on playing an amazing game called "Volley Bonk!" She called me "athletic!" That's the first time I've been called that. I felt really special.

10. Karaoke, anyone? Love it, suck it, own it, work it, feel it!

11. My skin is unbelievably soft, I've been told. My secret, loofah and cocoa butter. I'll probably die from skin cancer...

12. Whenever I go to the beach, I have a tanning system...first I apply Water Baby's SPF 45, then spritz Australian Gold Self Tanner w/SPF 15, then a final all-over-body spritz of tanning oil SPF 8. I mention the SPF because it sounds OK to be exposed in the sunlight for over 6 hours. Laying out seriously is the best time anyone can have at the beach. I heart it. I can't help it I grew up in the OC.

13. Maria's one of the best friends one can have. We even have a duet, "Greatest Love of All!" It's really easy to see. She is a gem and I am just a hologram.

14. I've learned to love the sound of vinyl records and reading for pleasure. Records sound so hearty, compared to an mp3. People who say they are dj's need to check themselves before I wreck them 'cause I'll probably get drunk enough to say that they're posers for playing outta their Ipods in public. Ya, I said reading! I was taught how to read by an aunt who was a Nazi teacher. Therefore, I always felt that reading was a punishment and not a pleasurable experience.

15. I'll probably have 3 kids...either my own or my (OC) best friend's kids. At the rate I'm going, its a high probability its the latter.

16. I have 3 student assistants who help me get through a day at work...they make me laugh...a lot!

17. So, far there are three good people that have entered my life in a great way and I've only began to know them in my recent past. They have either left the city or about to leave in the near future. I hope to keep in touch (it's not my greatest characteristic, but it will be one of the fundamental things that I will be changing about myself).

18. My current Pandora music station is Billie Holiday.

19. Since having my camera, I've been going on dates with it around the city. The city really is beautiful. My favorite spot is the in GG Park, the Music Concourse, surrounded by 2 rad buildings, the De Young and the Academy of Science. I plan many more dates in the city and find new favorite spots.

20. Piggybacking from #17, I think one of things about keeping in touch is sending handwritten, notes, cards and packages to people who I care tremendously for. It will be something I look forward to doing (and receiving ain't bad either).

21. I believe I'm in the cusp of the GEN X and Millennial generation. Maybe more GEN X.

22. I love to cook and what it entails; friends, family, love, joy, and wine. Although, lately I haven't been in the mood. I wish I had family nearby, so that I can eat with them home cooked Filipino food.

23. I love design, it's sexy. Buildings, lamps, a comfortable yet interesting looking chair, a room that compliments and a house/design mags are my pornography.

24. I love to watch movies. I'm not fans of people who talk during a movie. It's annoying.

25. Fina-F'en-lly, I hope that I don't lose this like Pena did. That would totally suck ass.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why I love San Francisco

Because of art installations like these. someone actually risked their life sticking all on "OBAMA" signs over all the "BUSH" street signs

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Genesis, Phil Collins

I just downloaded a bunch of Genesis and Phil Collins tracks. I re-fell in love with Genesis when I happened upon an old mint condition "Invisible Touch" album from my favorite second hand store (that now is harder to get to without a car, I'm going green). I had it on the record player for over 2 months. Morning, noon, and night I had to play the whole album. "Land of Confusion" just touched a cord in my heart strings. I guess because it was the 2008 elections and Obama was in the air, war and finally most people in America feel that Bush is retarded. There is hope for the United States of America.

Anyway, once in a while I would hear "Separate Lives," "Sussudio," or "In Too Deep" on the radio while driving down to SoCal or driving around SoCal...because in the city I only drive short distances that I don't really get to hear a lot of songs through the end. But when a jam comes on I may have to drive around Dolores Park once, twice or maybe even three times if jam after jam comes on. Radio stations in NorCal aren't that great. Well maybe in the afternoon, on the gay station. It's probably because not a lot of people are in their cars driving long distances. Now that I'm pounding on the concrete jungle on foot and public transport my ears have been stuffed with my IPod music. I've been filling it up with music that I didn't appreciate when I was younger but now I just can't get enough of. And Genesis/Phil Collins is filling the musical void. It's the type of music you want to hear when you just broke up with someone you've been with for 7 years. Phil Collins is just spot on with each and every word. Every song is a potentially good song to sing on karaoke.

I'm gonna make it a point from this moment until my birthday to learn at least a whole albums worth of songs by Phil Collins/Genesis and sing all the tracks that's available in the songbook. It would definitely be impressive in more ways than one.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dela Rosa, expensive old shit.
Nicole and a skirt.
Just had to get a shot of a tie dyed shirt.
Hideous sweater dress. We just had to.
Pomegranates are in season and they're delishuss.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My good friend and date, Roxie, got tickets to a club for NYE celebration to old school hip hop jams for my Christmas pressie. Still jaded by a bad break up, I was there for the experience and so I people watched, listened and danced. I wanted to remember the night and thus I used the only recording tool I had in hand, my smarty phone.

Granted I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted. It's hard to be incognito with a white camera phone. Except for one incident during a ciggie break outside. First off, we were welcomed by one hot mess after another. Little Miss Happa apparently thought that shes a good judge of character that night by calling each and everyone who stepped out the door either a "positive" or a "negative" person. She thought I was positive. That's a plus! Roxie, in her eyes was "not so positive." Oooh, what a mistake that was. We just wished her a happy new year and hope that she didn't get date raped. It was the last time we saw her.

On the upside, a couple of yellow haired lovebirds were in an intense sluricane (conversation) and we happened to post ourselves right next to them. We witnessed a connection of some kind...a L-O-V-E connection. It had to be recorded, I caught a bit of a video/audio clip of when Baby Boy, I'll name him Chad, was trying to remember what sorority Baby Girl, Blaire (also named by yours truly) belongs to. Chad was "self-deprecating," to Blaire he was saying all the right words. It was great for me because I was a sober Sally with a camera. I took a pic of the lovely couple unnoticed even when the phone was all up in their business. (I'm working on uploadin' the vid.)

I'm glad that I was sober that evening or else I wouldn't been able to tell you about it. And to be honest, to most folks my night may have been a little mellow, I think it was an antithesis to what surrounded us. The annual new years day endless champagne brunch on the Titanic would have been a painful experience. Eating all you can eat buffet and endless champagne is a great way to start a new year.